Leadership coaching is needed as an essential tool for today’s business or nonprofit organization. Change is required for an organization to grow and adapt to an ever changing world. But how do leaders move people within their organizations that are resistant to change? A 2004 survey by Right Management Consultants (Philadelphia), 86% of companies said they used coaching to sharpen the skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders. These Leadership skills can be developed with job embedded coaching over time.
Through coaching, leaders learn how to maximize the results of teams within the organization. Leadership coaching helps clarify vision, values and beliefs, while stretching the client’s capacity to lead. A successful coaching alliance will result in a sharper focus, broader perspectives, improved working relationships, and the confidence to make decisions and changes needed for growth.
Coaching for leadership is very successful in transitions, re-organizations, and promotions, but also it is highly effective for finding new solutions to old problems. Coaching creates a new energy and creative problem solving shift that can propel a business forward.